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Nurture Empower Achieve

Learner Voice Groups

Reception - Values Ambassadors

Vision and Purpose: To share our value of the month in school and in our community.  


Year 1 - Gilwern Growers

Vision and Purpose: Gilwern Growers aim to help the school and community by promoting and maintaining our outdoor grounds. We will work on planting and maintaining our school farm and use our produce to work with the community and in our own learning.  


Year 2 - Community Connectors

Vision and Purpose: To help our school get involved in making our community a happy and safe place to live. 


Year 3 - Super School Squad

Vision and Purpose: Our squad will aim to keep our school a healthy, happy and safe place to be for everyone to be in. We will share the school values with everyone and make sure we set a good example by using them every day. 

It’s important to keep our bodies healthy and fit so we will share ideas for sports and PE, as well as fitness activities and events outside school. As well as keeping our bodies healthy, we also need to keep our minds healthy, so we will try to share ideas and opportunities for relaxation and reflection. 


Year 4 -Eco Warriors

Vision and Purpose: To continue to be ethical informed citizens who aim to reduce their carbon footprint and healthy confident individuals who recognise the positive impact on their bodies.  


Year 5 - Good to Give

Vision and Purpose:  Our aim is to contribute as a team to help others by holding events and generating profit for our chosen charities in a variety of ways.


Year 6 - Digital Leaders

Vision and Purpose: Our aim is to ensure that all learners throughout the school are able to use digital technology appropriately, sensibly and safely. As digital leaders, it is our job to utilize our knowledge and skills by sharing advice and upskilling the learners in Gilwern Primary School. 


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